For the quilting report, I pin basted 2 baby quilts, for a friend's twin boys, over a week ago now at the monthly open sew I attend with the End of the Road Quilters. I have yet to get the last bit of organizing and set up done in the "new" sewing room, so my machine is not even plugged in, and there is too much stuff on my table. I am hoping to also get that done this week, so that either later in the week, or this coming weekend, I can sneak in there and get those two quilts quilted!! I have SO many UFO's - somewhere around 70 (*GASP*) - and around 25+ are tops that are done that need quilting!!! Some are baby quilts that I will quilt myself but haven't had the opportunity/space to pin baste them yet (thus the two that were done last weekend in AP), and some are larger quilts that have no destinations at this point, thus not making it worth the money I would have to pay for a longarm quilter to quilt them for me. I should not say not worth it, but they are just not priorities for spending the money on it for now. I have committed to donate an old exchange top though, for our End of the Road group, to be one of the 2 charity quilts we do for the Anchor Point Senior center for the upcoming year as a thanks for their letting us use their facility for free. That will take care of one flimsy (unquilted but finished top)/UFO all in one shot! Go me! haha
In other news, the potty training continues. Yesterday, DD, who is 2 and a half, had one outright accident in the living room, and one in the bathroom while she was on her way to use the potty. Not too bad. Today, fingers crossed & knock on wood, no accidents so far. Hoping that she has another successful day overall. She has gotten really good about just saying she needs to go potty & running in & going all by herself, not waiting or worrying about us having to go with her. We even went out to dinner last night with some out of town friends, who had a 3 year old girl with them - the two girls were running around (it was at Alice's Champagne Palace, and relatively slow - I would NOT allow her to just run amok in a regular restaurant!) after dinner, and she even stopped playing to tell us when she needed to go. All good signs. Keep your fingers crossed for me that all continues to go well in that would be REALLY nice if we only had to do nighttime pull ups after the baby comes. One kiddo in diapers is more than enough for me!
I suppose that is it for today. I am going to try to use some of my down time while DD naps to work on my sewing room. Steaks for dinner, which mean the hubs is in charge of that - less work for me! Woot, woot!! Also have to start getting things in better order around the house in general in advance of the parental units' visit - know how that goes, no matter how old a person gets! lol Thinking of splurging & paying someone to come in & scour the bathrooms, deep clean the kitchen, wipe down baseboards, and scrub floors right before they come. Lord knows I can only do so much at this point, and baseboards & scrubbing toilets are NOT on the list!!
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